Josef Ressel Center for Applied Scientific Computing 


The Josef Ressel Center for Applied Scientific Computing in Energy, Finance and Logistics conducted research on the development of methods for simulating and optimizing complex problems from the three application areas. A central focus was the development of an IT environment, the Distributed Execution Framework (DEF), for parallel and distributed computing. In collaboration with Gebrüder Weiss, Hypo Vorarlberg Bank AG, infeo, myPEX, Vorarlberger Kraftwerke AG and the Vorarlberger Landesversicherung specific solutions for simulations and optimizations were developed. 


The Josef Ressel Centre for Applied Scientific Computing ran from 01.01.2015 to 31.12.2019 at the FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences and was a cooperation of the research centres Business Informatics and Energy. Funding was provided by the participating industry partners, the Federal Ministry for Digitalization and Business Location and the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development. The Christian Doppler Society acted as funding agency and cooperation platform.