Microtechnology Research Centre
Welcome to the microtechnology research centre! Our research focus is determined by the guiding principle of improving the environment, climate and medical technology. We work on the improvement of environment, climate and medical technology by focusing on the areas of sensors & actuators, photonic applications and dynamics.
This is achieved through interdisciplinary, cross-generational collaboration in the context of application-oriented research with potential technology transfer to industry, as well as basic research-oriented contributions to strengthen our competence profile.
We use these competencies to develop innovative ideas, real processes and prototypes, accompanied by theoretical methods, feasibility studies and material investigations. In this way, we provide ourselves and our cooperation partners from industry and science with a competitive advantage.
Here you can learn more about us, read our latest findings and get involved in our work. Explore current projects and publications on our website and get to know our team. Get in touch with us if you have questions or would like to collaborate on a project.