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"We need strong women to lead the way"

Die Absolventin im Bachelor Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen an der FHV führt das Team Industrial Engineering Rheindelta bei Blum. Im Studium hat die 24-jährige Wolfurterin vor allem die Praxisnähe sowie das Netzwerk geschätzt, von dem sie heute profitiert

As a woman, you work in a technical field. What advice would you give to girls and women who are interested in Engineering and Technology?

Hannah Kühne: Engineering and Technology is still a male domain. It takes perseverance as a woman, but it's worth it. If something is to change in the future, you need strong women to lead the way. That's one of the things that motivates me.  

You attended the HTL Bregenz. Where did your interest in Engineering and Technology come from?

Hannah Kühne: I was already very interested in Lego as a child and also helped my father with renovation work, for example. In secondary school, it also became clear that mathematics and geometric drawing were my favorite subjects. That's why I chose the HTL Bregenz, specializing in automation technology.  

You then completed a bachelor's degree in Engineering and Management at the FHV and worked part-time at Blum. What motivated you to study part-time and how challenging was it in retrospect?

Hannah Kühne: I wanted to start working straight after the HTL to gain professional experience and have my own income straight away. Studying full-time was therefore out of the question for me. For this reason, the dual study program was a perfect fit for me. During my studies, I was employed at Blum with a 50% workload, so it was easy to combine my studies with my job. In addition, the training at the HTL was a very good basis for studying at the FHV.  

What makes studying at the FHV so special?

Hannah Kühne: The network and the friendships for life that I made during my studies. The freely selectable integrated subjects were very exciting, allowing me to specialize in management, leadership, social skills, change management and new work.  

Is there a word you associate with the FHV?

Hannah Kühne: Practical relevance.  

You work at Blum as a group leader in the Industrial Engineering Rheindelta department. What does your day-to-day work look like?

Hannah Kühne: All of our tasks in the department are aimed at continuously improving work processes and working methods in order to optimally increase productivity, quality and efficiency and ultimately the overall performance of the company. My tasks, especially as a group leader, also include management work, personnel issues, promoting the further development of employees, developing the department for the future and setting organizational frameworks together in the management team. My tasks also include setting processes and standards in the management team. I therefore also act as an interface to partner departments and manage various projects.  

How big is your team?

Hannah Kühne: My team consists of six people. We have a total of three groups in Industrial Engineering, which are divided between the Bregenz, Dornbirn and Rheindelta (in Höchst) sites.  

What makes working at Blum special?

Hannah Kühne: The excellent cooperation and the independent work, as well as the flexibility and open communication. In addition, such a large family business offers many perspectives.   Why did you choose Blum as an employer back then? Hannah Kühne: I had already completed vacation jobs at Blum during the HTL and only had positive experiences there. The industry and the products really appeal to me and I can identify with the company philosophy.  

Thank you very much for the interview.

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