Research Network Expands


Since 2020, the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences (FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences) has been part of the European University RUN (RUN-EU). European universities aim to develop and promote progress in their respective regions. Sustainability, inclusion and multiculturalism are core values. This network is complemented by the 2021 resulting project "RUN-EU PLUS". It forms an integrated long-term strategy to strengthen and further develop cooperation between science and Business and Management in the field of research and innovation.

Eine Menschengruppe steht vor einem Gebäude. | © FHV
Since 2020, the FHV has been part of the European University RUN (RUN-EU). ©FHV

For Vorarlberg companies, these two projects offer a wide range of opportunities to expand their research network internationally via the FHV. Contacts with research centres and companies throughout Europe as well as joint projects can, for example, be arranged and handled via the European Innovation Hubs of RUN-EU. These centers of excellence provide innovative, sustainable solutions to current and future societal challenges in the areas of industry of the future, sustainable regional development, bioeconomy and social innovation.
If you are interested in RDI projects with the FHV and its international partners from RUN-EU, the team around research manager Markus Preißinger is available for a discussion.  

  • 7 universities in Ireland, Portugal, Finland, Hungary, Netherlands, Austria  
  • 76,500 students
  • 8,000 staff:inside
  • 53 faculties
  • 97 research centres and groups


Prof. (FH) Dr.-Ing. Markus PREISSINGER
Head of the Research, Head Josef Ressel Center for Intelligent Thermal Energy Systems

June 2022