Prof. (FH) Dr. Peter KEPPLINGER
Head of illwerke vkw Endowed Professorship for Energy Efficiency, Head of Research Centre Energy

3 Questions - 3 Answers
What are you currently working on scientifically?
The possibilities of using mathematical methods to create a more efficient and sustainable energy system. Renewable energy generation is subject to strong fluctuations as it is largely dependent on the sun and wind. We therefore need forward-looking approaches to controlling consumers. This is what we call load management - a field of research that is located at the interface between several disciplines: the technical sciences (Computer Science, energy technology) and mathematics in terms of modelling and optimization. I find this interdisciplinarity particularly challenging and exciting. Specifically, my colleagues and I are currently working on issues in this context relating to the use of flexibility in energy communities or the predictive planning of charging processes by e-bus fleets.
What excites you about research?
Applied research with partners from industry offers an opportunity to think through approaches in practice. The exchange with colleagues from the companies often brings interesting aspects and questions to light that we researchers would otherwise not consider. That excites me and always makes our projects an exciting field of learning.
What do you particularly like about your job?
I always have opportunities to learn new things, to understand issues and contexts, and that excites me. When teaching, I try to awaken this enthusiasm in the students, because that's what makes good teaching for me, in addition to well-founded content. I really appreciate working together with others in an open and appreciative environment - whether with other researchers or with students - being able to experience this again and again is what drives me.
Publications and Platforms
OPUS | ORCID | RUN-EU+ Cloud of Knowledge | Google Scholar | Researchgate