You travel sustainably -
not only your environment, but also you benefit from it.


Are you studying or doing an internship abroad as part of your studies at FHV?

Are you a member of staff participating in a RUN-EU / Erasmus+ Mobility?

Are you travelling “green”, protecting the environment, and reducing your carbon footprint at the same time?


You will have some stories to tell!

Tell us those stories and win ÖBB-Vouchers for your next trip!

Conditions of participation:
Twice a year, the ÖBB-Vouchers are awarded in three different categories: "longest distance travelled in a climate-friendly way", "most unusual type of travel" and "most creative travel report".

Participants are required to travel green for at least one way of their journey. There is no fixed form for your report, be creative!


To participate, send your report in ENGLISH language to until 15.02. or 31.07.

More information is available here.