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FHV another six years European University

Extension of European University status for FHV in the framework of the Regional University Network (RUN-EU), two new Alliance members from Spain and Belgium

Exciting news! RUN-EU, including the University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg (FHV), has been selected for the second phase of the European University. This means incredible opportunities for FHV students, staff, and researchers.

As one of the 30 alliances receiving an Erasmus+ grant of €14.4 million each, RUN-EU will be funded for four years from 2024 to 2027, with the potential for a two-year extension after evaluation in 2027. This ensures at least nine years of operational framework, including the current pilot phase.

With the addition of the University of Burgos (Spain) and the Howest University of Applied Sciences (Belgium), RUN-EU now consists of nine like-minded institutions from different regions of Europe.

FHV Managing Director Stefan Fitz-Rankl expresses their delight at being accepted for the second phase, emphasizing the international perspectives it opens up for the region, students, and staff. FHV will receive approximately €1.6 million in funding from the European Commission and plans to offer at least 140 joint educational programmes. Networking among regions and stakeholders will be intensified.

Governor Markus Wallner highlights the importance of the European University status for FHV and the quality of education in Vorarlberg. This achievement provides new international perspectives for students and strengthens cooperation with global partners.

Promoting sustainable, digital, and inclusive skills among students, researchers, and academics not only enhances regional competitiveness but also works towards reducing development disparities within the EU, as stated by the Minister of Science, Research, and the Arts.

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