Living and income conditions of Vorarlberg artists


The project "Prekäre Einkommensverhältnisse von Vorarlberger Künstler:innen" (Precarious Income Situation of Artists in Vorarlberg), funded by the state of Vorarlberg, investigates their current socio-economic situation. Among other things, the assessment of their living situation and the resulting consequences by the artists themselves, the evaluation of the existing framework conditions and funding structures as well as the criteria from the point of view of industry experts and organized interest groups of artists. Furthermore, perspectives of artists, interest groups and industry experts on value assessment and remuneration for art in the spectrum of ideal outcome and economic exploitation will be examined, as well as the social, cultural and possibly identity-creating function and significance of art and art education in Vorarlberg. A further impulse-giving measure is the investigation of good-practice-models and solutions for the promotion of art, especially in the D-A-CH-area.

By means of a mixed-method design in the form of desk research, semi-structured, qualitative interviews with artists and institutions, a focus group as well as a standardized online survey of artists in Vorarlberg, the findings are generated. Finally, a networking workshop with interest groups and industry experts will take place to classify and evaluate the results. The connection with the Interreg project "Museumswelten - eine explorative Ansatz an (Nicht-)Besucherbeziehungen zur Aktivierung der Teilhabe diverserer Publikumsgruppen durch neue Angebotsformate" (Museum Worlds - an explorative approach to (non-)visitor relations to activate the participation of diverse audience groups through new offer formats) also provides the opportunity to survey a representative sample of the Vorarlberg population as a whole. The focus is on the appreciation and reception of art and art and cultural offerings as well as potential barriers and alternative leisure time options.

Geld wächst | © pixabay
The current socio-economic situation of artists in Vorarlberg is the focus of the study. Image credits: Pixabay


project name

Precarious income conditions of Vorarlberg artists

Project management

Mag. Fabian A. Rebitzer

Project Team Mag. Dr. Thomas Zabrodsky, Dr. Sarah Kühne, BSc MSc, Lukas Arnold, MA, Dilara Güven, BA 
Project duration

04.2021 - 12.2022 

Customer Land Vorarlberg 

Project participants

Cultural Department of the Office of the Vorarlberg Provincial Government 

  • Barbara Herold (Advisory Board) 
  • Frauke Kühn (Advisory Board) 
  • Peter Niedermair (Advisory Board) 
  • Maria Simma (Advisory Board)