

In the age of increasing digitalization and networking in everyday life, smart or e-textiles form an important interface between computers, the Internet of Things and people. However, a major technological challenge is the generation of stable conductive structures on the flexible surfaces. As part of the FFG project "ConCoTex" (Microsized Conductive lines and structural Coloration on Textiles), new manufacturing processes are being researched for this purpose. The role of the FHV's microtechnology research centre is to develop new laser-based processes. The LIFT process ("laser-induced forward transfer") is used to generate nanoparticles from a thin layer of silver and transfer them to textiles (see picture on the left). At the Research Institute of Textile Chemistry and Textile Physics at the University of Innsbruck, conductive copper sheets are then produced by means of electroless copper deposition. By combining both processes, conductive tracks can be written directly, which is advantageous for the development of prototypes.

con co tex 2 | © fhv
Schematic representation of the methodology for generating conductive line structures on textiles: (left) LIFT process for generating lines with silver nuclei. (Middle) Electroless copper deposition. (Right) Microscope images of the generated conductive lines.

Project Partners


The application is being investigated in collaboration with the following corporate partners: 

Drexel Embroidery GmbH  

Insomnia Scheffknecht, Peitler OG  

Heinz Mehrrath Textiletiketten e.U.  

Wolford AG 

Adaptive Control Systems GmbH (ADRESYS) 



The project is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and carried out within the framework of the program "COIN - Program Line Networks". 


project name

ConCoTex - Microsized Conductive lines and structural Coloration on Textiles


COIN - Program line networks 12.AS 

Project index number


  01.01.2021 - 31.06.2023

Project budget total

Project duration

Project budget total

865.304,00 EUR 

Share FHV 128,423.00 EUR
