Research Ethics Commission



Welcome to the site of the Research Ethics Commission of the FHV!



Our mission and basis of work

The task of the Research Ethics Commission of the FHV is, upon request, to ethically assess scientific investigations on and with humans as well as research projects with expected consequences for humans, and to issue statements in the form of a vote. The vote is based on our statutes, on our Rules of Procedure and a created Criteria Catalog.


Apply for a vote

All members of the FHV are eligible to apply for a vote. Students who wish to have their research project reviewed as part of their Master's thesis or Contextual Studies may also submit an application with the signature of their supervisor. In the case of research collaborations with other partner organizations in which the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences is significantly involved, the eligibility to apply can be extended to cooperation partners. Please submit the ethics application application form personally signed and scanned or with a certified digital signature via e-mail ( 

To ensure processing of your application prior to the start of the research project, please submit the application no later than six weeks prior to the conduct of the study(s) described. 

In addition, please also make sure that the documents are complete:

  • Informed consent form 
  • if applicable, written debriefing 
  • ggf. Survey instruments  
  • ggf. Statement on previous ethics votes according to § 3 Abs 6 of the Rules of Procedure 
