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FHV welcomes expansion of the university of applied sciences sector

Nationwide expansion of universities of applied sciences: The FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences benefits from 25 additional places for students on the part-time Bachelor's degree programme in Social Work. Graduates are in high demand on the labour market.

FHV Managing Director Stefan Fitz-Rankl welcomes the step towards expanding the university of applied sciences and speaks of a positive signal from Vienna. "My thanks go to Federal Minister Martin Polaschek and the BMBWF for recognising the needs of the FHV. The additional number of study places meets the great demand in Vorarlberg. The demand on the labour market is high, our graduates are desperately sought after."

The additional 25 places for beginners will increase the contingent in the part-time version of the FHV degree programme. A total of 158 people are studying on the Bachelor of Social Work programme, 67 of whom are studying part-time and 91 full-time. There are also 31 places on the part-time Master's in Social Work.

High demand for places and labour market orientation

The current applicant ratio at the FHV shows the great interest in the Social Work degree programme - it is 1:5.3 for the part-time version, which currently means that only a small proportion of applicants are offered a place. "For us, this expansion is an important signal of a high demand and labour market orientation. In recent years, we have been able to significantly expand the number of STEM programmes on offer. With the subsequent expansion of places in social work, we are emphasising the importance of high-quality training outside of the STEM field," concludes Fitz-Rankl.

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