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Joy Beyond Growth - A Posthumanist Binge Design Symposium

Introduced by Head of Design Margarita Köhl and Cat Drew from the Design Council London, accompanied by aperitifs and mushroom appetizers, we started the International Design Symposium “Joy Beyond Growth” on 21.06.2024 in the CampusVäre.

Introduced by Head of Department Design Margarita Köhl and Cat Drew from the Design Council London, accompanied by aperitifs and mushroom appetizers, we started the International Design Symposium "Joy Beyond Growth" on 21.06.2024 in the CampusVäre. Laura from SPUN spoke about mushroom networks during the starter at Table Twelve. This was followed by the main course in the "Schaukelhalle" and a tour of the exhibition by students who have been working on systemic and planet-centered design over the past semester. Röstwerk coffee was accompanied by a talk by Martina Fröschl, head of the Science Visualization Lab at the Vienna University of Applied Sciences. For dessert, Time's Up from Linz talked about their work with future scenarios. The visitors were then able to enter one of these futures during the subsequent workshops. In the workshops by Philipp Ehmann (play:vienna) and Uwe H. Martin, visitors also explored the problems of the present and the possibilities of the future.