Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dr. Sandra STROJ

Laser Ablation and Optics

Mitarbeiterfoto von Stroj Sandra. | © FHV

3 Questions - 3 Answers


Why did you decide to do an apprenticeship in the MINT field?

I decided in favour of a technical degree and then a career in research because that's where my interests and strengths lie. I have always found scientific subjects easier to deal with.

What fascinates you most about your field of research?

I love working with light. Seeing physics in everyday life in the form of a rainbow or the glow of a butterfly is simply wonderful. Working with powerful lasers, as I do, is a particularly impressive demonstration of the power that lies within them. In addition, in microtechnology you deal with dimensions that are normally inaccessible. That is always exciting.

What have been your biggest challenges so far?

I can't say what the biggest challenge has been, because you're always faced with challenges. You usually find yourself in this situation when you start something new, such as studying, giving your first lecture in front of a large audience or going abroad, for example. But you just have to dare to do something. The wonderful feeling afterwards of having achieved something and not missed out on anything is simply priceless.    


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