Information on individual educational components (ECTS-Course descriptions) per semester

Brand Management & Communication

Degree programme International Business Administration
Subject area Business and Management
Type of degree Bachelor
Winter Semester 2023
Course unit title Brand Management & Communication
Course unit code 025017051224
Language of instruction English
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional) Compulsory optional
Teaching hours per week 2
Year of study 2023
Level of the course / module according to the curriculum
Number of ECTS credits allocated 3
Name of lecturer(s) Christoph ANTRETTER
Requirements and Prerequisites


Course content


  •  Theoretical approaches to brand/brand management
  • Elements of successful brand management
  • Strategic foundations of brand management (concepts, design, application):
  • Brand identity and brand positioning
  • Brand architecture
  • Contact points as a link to operational brand management
  • Theoretical foundations of communication
  • Planning elements in the context of corporate communication policy
  • Formulation of objectives for the planning of communication activities of brands
  • Instruments and measures for the development of brand communication
  • Forms of communication and their application for brand communication
  • Integration of brand communication activities (visual, content and time integration)
  • Analytical methods for the evaluation of brands


Learning outcomes


  • Students know current brand theories and their essential components as well as consequences for companies.

  • Students know major decision areas in strategic brand management (brand identity, brand architecture).

  • Students know success factors in strategic and operational brand management.

  • Students know the relationship between brand management and corporate communication .

  • Students can name various forms and elements of corporate communication and list their pros and cons.

  • Students know basic methods to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of communication tools/activities.


  • Students understand the fundamental importance of brand management for the economic success of companies.

  • Students are able to explain relevant connections between strategic alignment of a brand (brand identity and positioning) and communication policies.

  • Students are able to derive appropriate objectives for corporate communication in a given business situation and select appropriate tools of communication.

  • Students are aware of the importance of an integrated communication approach and are able to develop appropriate communication concepts.

  • Students are able to use tools of marketing communication to achieve sales policy objectives.


  • Students are able to apply methods for the development of the strategic basis of a brand (brand identity, positioning).

  • Students can develop appropriate communication measures or guidelines for communication activities based on strategic foundations of a brand (brand identity).


  • Students are able to analyse and criticise existing brand and communication concepts and develop suggestions for improvement.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Interactive course with case studies and homework

Assessment methods and criteria

75 % Final written exam

25 % Active participation in discussions/group work excercises



Recommended or required reading

Bruhn, Manfred (2014): Integrierte Unternehmens- und Markenkommunikation: Strategische Planung und operative Umsetzung. Auflage: 6., überarbeitete Auflage. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

Mast, Claudia (2012): Unternehmenskommunikation: Ein Leitfaden. Auflage: 5., überarb. Aufl. Konstanz: UTB GmbH.

Esch, Franz Rudolf: Strategie und Technik der Markenführung, Verlag Vahlen, 2012 (7. Auflage)

David Aaker: Building Strong Brands, Simon & Schuster, 2010

Kevin Lane Keller: Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity (Global Edition), Pearson, 2013 (4th Edition)

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face course with mandatory attendance