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Master of Arts in Arts and Design (MA)

Part-time studies, 4 semesters

Languages of instruction: German, partly English

Currently no tuition fees

Application Deadline I:
March 1st, 2025

Find your individual research question


With your decision for a certain research question (= master topic) at the beginning of your studies, you define your project task in terms of a specialization. 

You can decide on a specialization in terms of content and topic, as well as in terms of media and technology.

You are free to choose the direction you want to take and simply consult with the programme director. You will find exciting research topics in those areas in which open questions with social, economic, technical or cultural relevance arise.

You want to know how to find a suitable research question? Or what questions students are currently working on? You can find the answers here:
InterMedia live talk - research question
Mastertalk InterMedia

Here are some examples of possible research questions:

  • How can one's media use be transparently represented?
  • How can voting procedures be designed differently?
  • How can creativity-enhancing learning programs for children be developed?
  • How can analog and digital media be linked together?
  • How can digital data be presented in exhibitions?
  • How can complexity in management processes be made vivid?
  • How can applications help seniors deal with health issues?
  • What could a digital estate administration look like?

Master of Arts in Arts and Design (MA)

Part-time studies, 4 semesters

Languages of instruction: German, partly English

Currently no tuition fees

Application Deadline I:
March 1st, 2025