Enabling Technologies and Methods


In the Enabling Technologies area, the Business Informatics research centre focuses on the impact of new technologies on the Extended Product and Extended Enterprise areas.

Examples include the use of DLT (blockchain processes) to ensure secure and transparent data exchange, the creation of sustainability concepts, or the development of innovation strategies for business processes. By using statistical data analysis and machine learning methods, we generate new insights into complex process dependencies. Optimization methods can be used to automatically derive decision alternatives for various problems.

Based on the current state of the art in Engineering and Technology, we adapt technologies and methods to specific problems. In this way, we can accompany the implementation of innovation processes or the improvement of business processes in close coordination with our partners.

In addition to application-oriented research, our team makes important contributions to basic research in the field of direct optimization and risk analysis. This ensures international networking within the research areas and allows the theoretical knowledge gained to flow directly into practical implementation.