Childern's University Vorarlberg

Try it out and touch it


The Children's University Vorarlberg is the popular knowledge format for children aged 8 to 12, offered by the FHV (Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences), Stella Vorarlberg Private University of Music and the Vorarlberg University of Teacher Education.

Lecturers from these universities as well as bright minds from Business and Management provide exciting insights into technical and scientific topics. Naturally explained in a child-friendly and clear way.

How does the Children's University work?

The children's university works like a real university, just for very young students aged 8 to 12. There are six lectures per semester, for which you have to register on our website. Participation is free of charge.

You then attend the lectures, which take place either in the lecture halls of the FHV in Dornbirn or the Stella Vorarlberg Private University of Music or the Vorarlberg University of Teacher Education in Feldkirch.

After each participation you will receive a stamp in your children's university ID card. If you have collected at least six stamps at the end of an academic year (winter and summer semester), you can take part in the graduation ceremony. There you will receive an official certificate from KINDERUNI VORARLBERG.

Special regulation summer semester 2024: Since the winter semester 2023/24 has been canceled, you need at least three stamps to participate in the graduation ceremony.

IMPORTANT: You must register for each lecture. You will find the respective registration option in the event information.

Program - winter semester 2024


How to get there

If you travel by bus and train, as a children's university student you will receive a free ticket for you and an accompanying adult from Verkehrsverbund Vorarlberg. All you have to do is apply for a ticket in the registration form. You can view the timetables by clicking on the following link: vmobil 


Information for data protection reasons

SMILE! Please note that photos and videos will be taken at the event for marketing purposes. You can find more information here.



The KINDERUNI VORARLBERG is an initiative of the FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, the Stella Vorarlberg Private University of Music and the Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg.
Our strong partners support the Vorarlberg Children's University


We would also like to thank Pfanner Fruchtsäfte and Ländle Marketing, who provide our children with juices and apples.



FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences
Harald Knebel
Project Manager Children's University Vorarlberg
+43 5572 792 2163


Stella Vorarlberg Private University of Music
Mag. Judith Altrichter
Assistant, event coordination
+43 5522 71110 12


PH Vorarlberg
Elvira Häusle
Rector's office
+43 5522 31199 504