Youth University

Vacations and research at FHV


Three times a year, the so-called Youth University takes place at the FHV. The Youth University is an event series where lectures from our university of applied sciences develop exciting workshops and lectures for young people aged 13-15.

The offer ranges from creative photo and film projects to innovative health topics and tricky programming.

How does the Youth University work?

Are you between 13 and 15 years old and have always wanted to get a taste of university life? Then come to us at the FHV during the spring, summer or fall holidays. Simply register for one or more courses and you'll be right in the middle of campus life. The courses take place independently of each other and do not build on each other. Participation is usually free, only a small contribution to costs is required for individual workshops. The number of participants is limited.

The spring and summer dates are already behind us, but you can mark the fall dates in your calendar: October 28-30, 2024.



How do you like to get around? We advise you to skateboard, e-scooter, bike, foot machine or bus and train. The young people receive a free train or bus ticket to the Youth University upon request. For organizational reasons, we can only fulfill ticket requests that arrive at the latest 10 days before the start of the Youth University by email us. The best link is available at vmobil


Information for privacy reasons

SMILE! Please note that at the Youth University photo and video recordings are made for marketing purposes. The necessary consent to sign for this will be sent to parents after registering for the Youth University, by mail.



The Youth University Vorarlberg is an initiative of the FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences and is supported by our strong partners. The Verkehrsverbund Vorarlberg could also be won as a cooperation partner.