

DigiDemo is a European collaborative project to develop demonstrators for use in academic education, teaching engineering students how to design, develop and market networked products while taking environmental requirements into account. In this way, DigiDemo contributes to the competitiveness of European industry and to the requirements of European sustainability goals such as the European Green Deal.
A total of 20 demonstrators will be created, combining Mechatronics and IoT topics. The demonstrators will cover different levels of complexity and target students at different levels of their studies.


project name

Digi Demo
Project Management Prof. (FH) DI Horatiu O. Pilsan
Project Content "Create demonstrators" (teaching setups) for digitization

Project team

Prof. (FH) DI Horatiu O. Pilsan
Prof. (FH) Dipl.-Ing. Robert Amann
Project duration September 2020 - August 2023
Funder Erasmus+ Program
Budget 340,000 € (of which 75,000 € the FHV)
Project participants University College of Northern Denmark , Aalborg, DK
Fagskolen i Viken , Kongsberg, NO
ESTA, Belfort, FR
Universitatea Cluj Napoca, Resita , RO









Further information


Project website: https://www.digidemo-project.eu/

Project participants:
University College of Northern Denmark , Aalborg, DK
Fagskolen i Viken , Kongsberg, NO
ESTA, Belfort, FR
Universitatea Cluj Napoca, Resita , RO


Department of Engineering and Technology